Xbox Freedom

Xbox 360 Chrome Case Mod is more of a Mirror

We have recently had a huge share in the various Xbox mods presented over the past few years, but rarely any came with so much glare that it completely outshone it’s critics. The new Xbox chrome case mod is made entirely out of chrome and sure is more of a mirror than a Xbox mod.

Xbox 360 Chrome Case Mod

This case is up for sale at Extreme-Mods for 60$, unfortunately not including a chrome hard drive cover and a controller replacement shell, each of which can be bought separately for 25$ and 30$ respectively. This new case is surely as tough as it looks, I mean that this mod is really strong on the inside as well, apart from the bold and sturdy looks it has.

xbox 360 mod chrome

This new case promises to make the experience of gaming even more fun and stylish! and if you pluck your hair when you are loosing, you don’t need to go to the mirror to get your hair all well set; you could in turn use your Xbox mod to set your hair as it is no less than a mirror!

Via: ThinkTechno