Xbox Freedom

Killer Halo M6D Pistol’s Life Size Rendition Recreated

Halo players would remember that the M6D Pistol, also known as the M6D Magnum Sidearm, is a United Nations Space Command sidearm was seen in Halo: Combat Evolved.

That was when the pistol became immensely popular with players who desired for a weapon that was believable but yet enough to cause collateral damage. Robo-Man has created a life size rendition of the M6D Pistol from Halo, and there seems to be no end to the joy of Halo gamers.

It may not be commercial, and could just be a piece of art just like we see several brilliant geeky art that are created by highly creative nerds. What would make you turn your head back in curiosity and admiration are the SNOT details and the utilization of studs. It could make for a great gift for Halo fans, and there certainly is no reason for anyone to not try building something on their own.

You could also take a look at other Halo related stuff we wrote about sometime back like the Halo 3 Xbox 360 Mod, Halo Wars Lego Mega Bloks Cufflinks and the Halo 3 Series 4 Elite Combat Action Figures. So if you are not able to build a cool pistol like this, try and get some commercial accessories to satiate your appetite for Halo related merchandize.

Via: Brothers Brick