Xbox Freedom

Hand Made Keroro Gunso Custom Paintjobs to Make Consoles and Controllers More Personal!

They say, customizing a particular object is one of the best ways to extend our personalities on that particular object. Such custom objects tend to be more personal than the cold, conveyor-belt delivered gadgets which lack any sort of individuality.

Ricepuppet at DeviantArt has begun to offer cool hand-made customs that are not exactly decals for consoles and controllers. These hand-made customs are done using accurate precision with the help of paintjob techniques. What’s more, the artist even knows how to do the custom painting without voiding the warranty.

Within 4-5 days, you would have a customized console or controller, whose paint stays fresh for years, as long as you use them carefully. in the above picture, you could see Sgt. Keroro Gunso, a famous Anime character. The green and yellow combo and the big eyes, and the red tongue particularly remind you of Anime characters, and to have that on your console r controller must be quite engaging!

If you would like a more personal hand-made custom, you could contact the artist and ask for a price. Sgt. Keroro Gunso is a Frog from the Japanese Manga series which is considered to bring good luck. The “Kero Kero Kero Kerori” Xbox 360 Console truly rocks! You could also take a look at the Spiderman Xbox 360 Case Mod and the Nuke Threat Xbox 360.