Xbox Freedom

Phil Spencer Confirmed Xbox’s Participation at E3 2020

Iribe announced they’d be using the Xbox One gamepad and Spencer announced they would support streaming from Xbox consoles into a virtual home theatre environment.

Phil Spencer has just announced Xbox’s participation at E3 2020. The announcement is momentous and important because this underlines the relevance of Xbox over PlayStation. Sony declined to participate for the second year consecutively. Spencer further clarified that participation is propelled by the intersection of creativity and technical progress. The way we would interpret this is, Xbox will not only come up with newer hardware but also fresh game titles. 

Why Xbox’s Participation at E3 2020 is important and momentous

E3 2020 is one of the most important events in the world of video games. As a result, the biggest players attend this expo every year. The event brings together some of the most important names in the video game industry. Participants consider this event to be the best platform to launch their products, introduce their technologies, and engage in brand alignment.  

ETA 2020 will take place between the 9th of June and the 11th. It will be held at the Los Angeles convention center. ETA 2020 will be open to video game publishers, hardware manufacturers, and other entities involved in this area. The decision to participate in the event seems to stem from a sense of insecurity that Microsoft had developed over the years vis-a-vis Sony. 

Thankfully, Xbox has been doing very well lately. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that Sony has somewhat stagnated at the moment. One needs to wait and watch to understand what Xbox has up its sleeves, and what it plans to announce and launch at the E3 2020 event.

The move is calculated and well-planned

Exhibiting at the E3 2020 is the easiest way to define oneself as a company that is dedicated to the realm of video games. Consequently, it comes as a surprise that Sony will not be participating in the event. Phil Spencer’s decision to participate at E3 2020 is going to be really huge and will help Xbox to reclaim some of its lost markets. 

Not so uncannily, Spencer also praised Xbox fans in the Twitter announcement. He declared that fans are a huge part of everything that the company does. This seems to reflect Microsoft Xbox’s aggressive plans got to take back its market share in the video game space.