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Here Are the Star Wars Jedi Achievements to Collect

Star Wars Jedi Achievements

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, which was announced a while ago, has already garnered a lot of interest among gamers. The game is set just after the Episode III – Revenge of the Sith. EA announced the game way back in 2018 but more details were revealed during this April, during the Star Wars Celebration. The game is likely to arrive on Windows, Xbox One and PS4 on the 15th of November 2019. While we have all known these details for quite some time now, we did not know what kind of achievements were awaiting gamers who worked hard enough. Now, there is an entire list of Star Wars Jedi achievements that you can earn if you play the game smartly.

Play the game to collect achievements

The latest scoop is that there are close to 39 achievements to be won when you play Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. These achievements are worth a total of 1,000 Gamerscore. 14 of these achievements are secret, and you will only know if you are going to get them when you actually play the game. In other words, to get these achievements and brag in front of your friends, you will have to play Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order quite regularly.

What are the Star Wars Jedi achievements like?

Thanks to True Achievements, here is the full list of achievements you can win.

Kicking BackKick a phillak that has kicked you10
CollectorCollect all chests and secrets100
Legendary BeastsDefeat four mysterious creatures50
Feel the ForceUnlock all Jedi skills100
A Galaxy Far, Far AwayComplete all of BD-1’s holomaps50
Secret AchievementContinue playing to unlock this achievement.50
Secret AchievementContinue playing to unlock this achievement.25
Secret AchievementContinue playing to unlock this achievement.25
Secret AchievementContinue playing to unlock this achievement.25
Secret AchievementContinue playing to unlock this achievement.25
Secret AchievementContinue playing to unlock this achievement.25
Secret AchievementContinue playing to unlock this achievement.25
Secret AchievementContinue playing to unlock this achievement.25
Secret AchievementContinue playing to unlock this achievement.25
Secret AchievementContinue playing to unlock this achievement.25
Secret AchievementContinue playing to unlock this achievement.25
Secret AchievementContinue playing to unlock this achievement.25
Back At YouDefeat 50 enemies with reflected blaster bolts10
Perfect TimingParry 100 enemies10
KickoffDefeat an enemy using only kicks10
Triple TakeDefeat 3 enemies using a single lightsaber throw10
What Goes Around…Defeat an enemy with their own Slowed blaster bolt10
Big BangDefeat 20 enemies with explosives10
Don’t Mess With BD-1Defeat an enemy with a hacked droid10
Can’t Touch ThisPrecision Evade 100 attacks50
Look Out BelowSend 25 enemies over the edge10
Not So FastDefeat 25 enemies while they are under the effect of Empowered Slow10
Bank ShotDefeat an enemy by colliding them with another enemy10
Secret AchievementContinue playing to unlock this achievement.25
Cal Got Your Tongue?Slice an oggdo’s tongue10
Medical DroidFind all of BD-1’s stim canisters25
Green ThumbHave a fully grown terrarium25
Full HouseRecruit all possible crew members for the Mantis20
Data DiskFind all of BD-1’s encrypted logs20
SabersmithFully customize your lightsaber10
The Full Glow-UpCustomize the look of Cal, BD-1, and the Mantis10
Data CollectorScan all enemy types25
Secret AchievementContinue playing to unlock this achievement.25
Echo LocationDiscover 75 Force Echoes20

Some of the gamer scores include Kicking Back, for which you need a Gamerscore of just 10. Other achievements require many more Gamerscores such as Collector and Feel the Force, both of which require 100. The game is likely to garner a lot of interest from people who have traditionally been fans of Star Wars. It remains to be seen if thee extensive achievements will attract gamers or not. Gamers can be hard to please, and when there are achievements that are challenging to earn, they are usually attracted to them.

Have you tried to experiment with the achievements already? If so, how many have you won so far and how difficult was it for you to get those achievements? Do share your experiences in the comments section below, so that your fellow gamers can benefit from your insight.