Xbox Freedom

Halo Legendary Spartan Shield

Here’s a more elegant way to show your love for Halo.  It’s always nice to see creations that are inspired by video games, especially if they’re awesome like this piece.

The fan/creator used the copper-foil method, as with the legendary elite shield, and made the solder line bumpy to give it an old look. Instead of the normal blades/swords regularly seen at the back of this type of shield, he decided to put in the Battle Rifle.  Hard core fans will also notice the symbol engraved on the butt of the guns. This shield, although awesome, will not come in cheap, as it retails for $318.00! Ouch!

For some more Xbox fan inspired work check out the Master Chief Dons Red, Blue and Orange in New Lego Sculpture and Halo Reach Inspired Xbox 360 Cake Is Utterly Delicious.