Xbox Freedom

Activision Seeking to Acquire

If you’re looking for the latest news on Call of Duty, seems to be a logical place to look for all of it. That is not the case though, as the owners of this domain found it to be quite humorous to be a site dedicated to Battlefield 3!

The BF3 vs. MW3 is not a battle that has been hidden by any means, as both developers have been seen spouting off about the other. While this fall will really be a war between games, only one can come out on top. A witty fan, though, decided that it would be great fun to purchase the domain and convert it into a Battlefield 3 fan site, and that is exactly what happened!

Now, Activision is filing a first domain name dispute this past Friday, seeking to acquire the domain and have full control. The complaing reads

“It appears that the Respondent supports the game Battlefield from the game developer Electronic Arts (“EA”). EA is one of Complainant’s principal competitors in the video game industry, and Battlefield game competes in the marketplace with Complainant’s MODERN WARFARE games and its other military-themed shooter games in the CALL OF DUTY series.” 

You can read the full complaint here in PDF format. If you are interested in seeing the site, I would act quickly, as I cannot imagine that it will stay active for much longer! You might also like to read about the Call of Duty Convention!

Via: IGN