Xbox Freedom

Frosty Xbox 360 Cake Looks and Tastes Delicious

Video games and cakes are inseparable and a standing testimony to this fact is the number of cakes that are baked the world over in honor of this medium of entertainment. The Creamy Xbox Cake was baked for Tommy’s birthday and it looks really delicious.


The cake comes with the console and the controller which are baked to perfection and are decorated with icing delicately. The cake also comes with a happy birthday message for Tommy, who turned 10 recently. You could notice the delicate way in which the buttons are created on top of the controller. The Grey Xbox logo on the side of the console cake looks ever more delicious and I am sure all the kids at Tommy’s party gobbled up the cake within no time.

If you have a kid at home and would want to bake him or her a cake, you should really bake something that correlates to the child’s video gaming preferences. you could take a look at other gaming cakes including the one we wrote about sometime back, the Xbox Halo Cake. The best thing to do is to join baking classes so that your cake comes out really well and with that pride, you can play video games better too.