Xbox Freedom

Halo Encyclopedia: The Bible Of The Halo Universe

Encyclopedia: A type of reference book or a compendium holding information from either all branches of knowledge or just one specific branch. Now, encyclopedias are quite common in every library that you might come across in the world, but this is one special encyclopedia that we are talking about, and you might not find this in 99% of the libraries around the globe, trust me! The Halo Encyclopedia can be considered as the Holy Book for the Halo fans.

This encyclopedia is a comprehensive collection of all that there is to know about the Halo Universe, and works as a definitive guide to every aspect of Halo, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo Wars, and Halo 3: OSDT!, something like a dream come true for most of the fans. The Halo Encyclopedia has lots of information to offer to it’s  readers that will surely want to know everything, for example the encyclopedia offers you a detailed time-line, character profiles of all the main players, the history and development of the MJOLNIR armor, the history of the Covenant etc.

The encyclopedia also features a whole different section just devoted to the USNC and Covenant ships and vehicles, and what’s more?, there is also a different section just for the weapons as well. Selling at just $37.99 these are already running out of stock, so if you really want to enjoy your favorite game with this cool Halo: Reach Console or the Halo3 Xbox mod then get your copy SOON!