Xbox Freedom

Metal Gear Solid V: How To Get Quiet Back

One of the most talked about characters in Metal Gear Solid V gets a second wind as Konami patches the game to add her back in.

How to Get Quiet Back 1

Attention! Spoilers follow! Do not keep reading if you have not beaten Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

The popular and infamous sharpshooter from Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Quiet, has been making headlines from even before the game released. From her provocative outfit, to her story, to what a great sidekick she was, and then how abruptly she left the game and how much fans miss her. That was all fixed in the last update the game received on the 10th of November. It’s official, you don’t need to take precautions anymore and you can get Quiet back on your team. This is exactly what you need to do.

How to Get Quiet Back 2

Step 1: Beat Mission 11. [REPLAY] CLOAKED IN SILENCE 6 times in a row, without using lethal methods (IE, exhaust the blue bar, not the red bar).
Step 2: See the mission change its name to 11. [REUNION] CLOAKED IN SILENCE
Step 3: Beat the “new” mission 11, without killing Quiet.

After all this process, she will join your team once again, with her bond maxed out and all of her upgrades you had from before. Keep in mind while beating the mission to get her back that it must be done in a row, and without killing her, otherwise the count will reset and you will have to start over.

In case you were curious, the complete patch notes read as follows, according to the official website:

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